Community Health Forums
Community Health Forums
Te Whatu Ora Waikato facilitates local community health forums every three to four months in a range of centres across the Waikato. These forums are open to the public and are an opportunity for Te Whatu Ora to hear from local consumers and social services on matters and activity of interest to the local community. Representatives from the Waikato team at Te Whatu Ora are in attendance, and the team provides brief updates on key matters of interest to the community.
Come along and share your knowledge and experience as we work together on these matters.
If interested please email: norma.taute@waikatodhb.health.nz for further information.
Next meetings and locations (some forums will be online)- in date order
Waikato Regional Disability Hui / Whānau Hauā Forum (online)
South Waikato
Matamata - Piako
Thursday 9 November, 10.30am – 12.30pm
Les Munro Centre, 8 King Street East, Te Kūiti
Tuesday 28 November, 1 – 2pm
Senior Citizens Hall, Morero Tce, Taumarunui