Ngā amuamu mō tētahi ratonga hauora, mō tētahi ratonga hauā rānei Complaints about a health or disability service
If you are not happy about a health and disability service, you can make a complaint. All health and disability services have processes for dealing with complaints.
Making a complaint
Discuss your concern with your service provider first
If you have a complaint, talk to the person you received the service from or the person in charge. Working with the service provider directly will be the fastest way to resolve your concern.
Find out how to offer feedback, give a compliment or make a complaint in your location.
If your concern is not resolved
If you are still not happy afterwards, you can make a complaint to the Health and Disability Commissioner.
- Visit their website: Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner (external link)
- Call them free: 0800 11 22 33.
Complaints about costs
If you have a complaint about costs, for example, if you have been charged for a service you did not agree to, you can seek legal advice or go to the Disputes Tribunal.
Help making a complaint
It is okay to have a family member or friend help you make a complaint.
You can also get help from a free health and disability advocate. Visit the Health and Disability Advocacy website to find out more.
Report fraud or dishonesty
If you suspect fraud or dishonesty — or are concerned something does not seem right — you can report it to the Health Integrity Line, any time. It is anonymous and free.
Call: 0800 424 888
Privacy Act and Code
Your personal and health information is protected by the Privacy Act and the Health Information Privacy Code. These set out the rules that services must follow when they collect, use, store or disclose your health information.
Find out about the Privacy Commissioner and your rights.
Introduction — Office of the Privacy Commissioner(external link) (external link)
Your privacy rights — Office of the Privacy Commissioner (external link)
Making a privacy complaint
You can make a complaint if your privacy has been breached — for example, if someone has looked at your health information who should not have.
First, you should talk to the health or disability service about your complaint. They may be able to put things right.
If you are still not happy afterwards, you can complain to the Privacy Commissioner. They can investigate for you.