Anaesthesia is part of Waikato Hospital's Theatres and Interventional Services cluster.
A large team consisting of specialist anaesthetists, registrars and senior house officers, anaesthetic technicians, a pain nurse practitioner and pain nurse specialist, a research scientists, manager and administration support. It is led by an Anaesthetic Executive Group.
The full scope of practice includes preoperative assessment, anaesthesia for surgical and non-surgical procedures (including sedation and all forms of regional and general anaesthesia), complex pain management and resuscitation, and medical education.
This includes:
- Anaesthesia for emergency and elective surgery
- Obstetric anaesthesia
- Cardiac anaesthesia
- Paediatric anaesthesia
- Neuroanaesthesia
- Remote location anaesthesia (interventional radiology, endoscopy, cardiology, brachytherapy, ECT)
- Pain Service (inpatient and chronic)
- Pre-anaesthetic Assessment Clinic
- Allergy Clinic
- Transoesophageal echocardiography (intraoperative and ICU)
Anaesthetic services continue to expand at Waikato Hospital. We currently provide anaesthesia in 30 locations, including 24 operating theatres.
The Anaesthesia team at Waikato Hospital has a strong track record in teaching, continuing medical education and research, and aims to be a centre of anaesthetic excellence in New Zealand.
Read more about our research activities
Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus, Pembroke Street, Hamilton
- Operating Theatres and Post-anaesthetic Care Unit, Waikato Hospital
- Day of Surgery Admission, Reception K, Meade Clinical Centre, Waikato Hospital
- Academic Department of Anaesthesia, Waikato Clinical School, Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus
Phone: 07 839 8718
Email: anaesthesiacentral@waikatodhb.health.nz