Feedback, compliments and complaints
Feedback, compliments and complaints
What matters to you is important to us. Your feedback helps us improve our services.
If you have an immediate concern about your treatment or care, or the care of a family member, tell us. Many problems can be resolved quickly by talking things over. Speak to a staff member or ask to speak to a manager e.g. charge nurse, clinical nurse leader or team leader in the department, clinic or ward. If they are not available, ask to speak to the duty manager.
Your rights
As a patient, you have the protection of a Code of Rights. You can find a copy of those rights here, on the website for the Health & Disability Commissioner: https://www.hdc.org.nz/your-rights/the-code-and-your-rights/
Patient advocacy services
If you would like assistance to make a complaint or give feedback, or help advocate for your needs or rights, you can contact a patient advocacy service.
How you can give feedback, share a compliment or make a complaint
There are feedback forms and complaint forms available in all clinical and ward areas. If you can’t find them, please ask our staff to get you one.
You can also give feedback, share a compliment or make a complaint:
By email
Give feedback | Make a complaint | Share a compliment |