Community Equipment & Supplies
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Community Equipment & Supplies
Community Equipment & Supplies
- Provision of short term loan equipment (less than 6 months) to patients in the community, post-discharge, on referral from primary services following assessment and prior to inpatient services.
- Long term supplies and consumables predominantly stomal and continence products.
- Long term feeding, tracheostomy / laryngectomy consumables and products,
- Home based oxygen support services and consumables.
- Maintenance and servicing of equipment,
Key personnel
Paula Lovegrove
51 Gallagher Drive
People using the service are provided with instructions and contact details.
Authorised Waikato DHB health professionals can access short and long term loan equipment for patients discharged from Waikato DHB facilities or those required to use the equipment in the community.
Patients/public cannot request this equipment themselves.