Preparing for hospital
Preparing for hospital
Read the booking letter and any instructions carefully. You will need to bring the letter with you, so keep it in a safe place.
- Start thinking about how you will get to and from the hospital, what support you might need, and who needs to know.
- If you smoke, consider giving it up before your hospital stay as this will help your recovery. All our facilities and campuses are smokefree, but we offer nicotine therapy support for patients.
- If you have any questions, contact us using the phone number provided in your booking letter.
- If you misplace your letter, use the main hospital number.
- Make your surgery or treatment a priority. If for any reason you are not able to come, you must let the service know as soon as possible.
If you are having surgery, please visit the Surgery in the Waikato section for information about what to expect when having surgery or a procedure at Waikato Hospital, and how you and your whānau can prepare for this.