Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
The ACT Team provides a community based mental health service for tangata whaiora who experience mental illness and have related high and complex needs.
The ACT Team is comprised of registered health professionals (occupational therapy, social work, nursing, psychology, medical) who provide an assertive and intensive level of community mental health care and treatment to support tangata whaiora to live successfully in the community.
The Goal of ACT
Assertive community treatment (ACT) is an intensive and highly integrated approach for community mental health service delivery. ACT is not a case management program, but rather an intervention. The primary goal of ACT in recovery through community treatment in the below domains:
Improve function
- Increase in self cares
- Safety
- Relationships/social
- Iving skills
- Occupation
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Problem solving
Maintaining wellness
- Management of symptons, both residual and active
- Improve insight
- Adherence to treatment
- Education
- Recovery planning
- Family/Whanau involvement
- Support to access stable accommodation and available social benefits
Risk management
- Risk assessment and management
- Dynamic risk factors and their management
- MDT input
- Harm reduction
- Improve problem solving
ACT Team
Phone: 07 834 6902
Monday – Friday, 8am to 4.30pm