Research funding and grants
Research funding and grants
Below is a list of an updated list of external funders, the grants they administer and closing dates for applications will be posted shortly. These organisations include:
Health Research Council https://www.hrc.govt.nz/grants-funding/funding-opportunities
Waikato Medical Research Fund https://wmrf.org.nz/
Neurological Foundation of New Zealand https://neurological.org.nz/research/funding-opportunities/
National Heart Foundation of New Zealand https://researchgrants.heartfoundation.org.nz/
PLEASE NOTE: Some grant applications (such as HRC, Heart Foundation) require Research Office approval before submission – this is all done on-line on their systems. But please allow time for the research office to be able to review the submission, and approve it!
It is helpful if you advise research@waikatodhb.health.nz that you are making a submission, and the deadline, so we can keep an eye on emails and ensure we are available to review it.