Population Health has a multidisciplinary team developing the SIAP for Māori and Pasifika health based on the DHB strategic imperatives.
These plans identify the key issues, service improvements, deliverables and time frames with allocated resource.
Population Health has a Public Health Advisory Development Team to review, develop and advise on policy and provide analytical support to inform decision making.
Population Health has a multidisciplinary team developing the SIAP for Māori and Pasifika health based on the DHB strategic imperatives.
These plans identify the key issues, service improvements, deliverables and time frames with allocated resource.
This is a planning resource which provides data and information related to identified health priority areas and priority population groups in the Waikato DHB region.
In 2015 a health profile was developed for each Territorial Authority (TA) within our Waikato DHB region, showing the latest statistics on demographics, key health issues, socioeconomic determinants, and projections.
More recently we have developed a Waikato DHB region-specific profile for both Māori and Pacific. These profiles provide a snapshot of key statistics around the health and wellbeing of the Māori and Pacific populations across the Waikato DHB region. The health indicators used in this document are structured specifically to Māori and Pacific models of health. The main sources of statistical information contained in these documents are from Statistics NZ Census, Waikato DHB Health Register, Ministry of Health and for the Pacific profile we have been able to obtain some Primary Care data.
Population Health has contributed to the development of position statements for the Waikato DHB on issues pertinent to public health.
These are also used to inform submissions on policies, plans and Bills which impact on public health.