Waikato Regional Diabetes Service
Waikato Regional Diabetes Service
The Waikato Regional Diabetes Service provides comprehensive diabetes care, education and support to people and their whānau who are living with diabetes and require specialist input. Our specialist care is focused on supporting people over the age of 15 who have;
- Difficult to control / rare forms of Diabetes such as;
- Type 1 diabetes
- Diabetes due to pancreatectomy / other pancreatic dysfunction
- Monogenic forms of diabetes
- Diabetes treated with insulin and complicated by other medical factors requiring specialist input (eg. Steroids with chemotherapy)
- Diabetes during pregnancy
- Young people (15 - 25 years old) with any type of Diabetes
- High risk diabetic foot conditions
- Progressive kidney disease with diabetes outside of the renal service
Other patient services we offer include;
- Weight loss and maintenance programme for people with obesity related conditions over the age of 18
- Retinal photo-screening for all people with diabetes
- New Zealand Transport Authority (NZTA) medical review for people with diabetes requiring special driving licences
The Waikato Regional Diabetes Service also provides support, education and advice to health care professionals in primary health care who support the majority of people living with type 2 diabetes. In the first instance we encourage primary health care to contact their Primary Health Care Organisation (PHO) Diabetes Nurse/Clinician.
The Waikato Regional Diabetes Service are also actively involved in research to improve the care of people with diabetes.
For more information about diabetes please see Information for patients tab.
Service profile
- Youth and Young Adult with diabetes (YAYA)
- Diabetes in Pregnancy (DiP)
- Inpatient hospital care team
- Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
- Pump and Technology Team
- Adult Regional Team (ART)
- Adult Weight Management Programme (AWMP)
- Diabetes clinical trials and NZTA licence review
- Retinal photo screening
- Podiatry / Multidisciplinary high risk foot team
- On-call diabetes support to prevent hospital admissions or facilitate discharge
Key personnel
Our team of diabetes experts include;
- Specialist doctors
- Specialist nurses
- Specialist podiatrists
- Specialist dietitians
- Clinical psychologists
- Health care assistants
- Clinical photographers
- Administration team
- Waikato Regional Service is based at 26 Clarence Street, Hamilton
- Outreach diabetes clinics are held in rural hospitals and general practices throughout the Waikato region
Phone: 07 859 9180
Free Phone: 0800 459 918
Hours: Monday – Friday from 8am – 4.30pm
Diabetes and Covid-19
Please visit the Diabetes NZ website for up to date information and advice.
- Diabetes apps
- How to use your CareSens blood glucose meter
- How to download CareSens meters on computer/phone
- Freestyle Libre (flash glucose monitor)
- Freestyle Libre tips and tricks [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Dexcom G6 (continuous glucose monitor)
- Medtronic Guardian Continuous Glucose Monitor
- Insulin pumps
- Insulin pump funding
- Tandem T:Slim insulin pump
- Medtronic 640G insulin pump
- Caresens Blood Glucose Meter - Pharmaco Technical support 0800 458 267
- Freestyle Libre - Mediray Technical support 0800 106 100 option 2
- Tandem pump and Dexacom CGM - NZMS Technical Support 0508 634 103
- Medtronic pump and CGM - Intermed Technical support 0800 333 444
- Diabetes and healthy food choices [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Healthy eating resources
- Food guide for people with type 2 diabetes [PDF, 345 KB]
- Carbohydrates – the basics [PDF, 263 KB]
- Healthy plate model [PDF, 374 KB]
- Increasing fibre [PDF, 259 KB]
- Ramadan [PDF, 108 KB]
- Diet reviews – Ministry of Health
- Gestational diabetes weekly food diary [PDF, 109 KB]
- Gestational diabetes healthy eating guide [PDF, 63 KB]
- Ways to make carbohydrate counting easier [PDF, 122 KB]
- Foods to enjoy and foods not recommended [PDF, 302 KB]
- Nutritional claims - what do they mean? [PDF, 214 KB]
- Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose)
- Type 1 diabetes and hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose)
- Type 2 diabetes and hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose)
- Sick day management for type 1 diabetes [PDF, 102 KB]
- Sick day management for type 2 diabetes [PDF, 191 KB]
- Type 1 diabetes and ketones
- How to use your ketone meter
- Understanding ketones [PDF, 574 KB]
- There is very limited parking at 26 Clarence Street Hamilton, mostly reserved for mobility parks.
- There are some parks at Anytime Fitness which is accessed from Clarence Street – please only park in the parks with signs for Waikato Regional Diabetes Service
- On-street parking is available in the Hamilton CBD and is free for the first 2 hours and $6 an hour thereafter.
Thames, Te Kuiti and Tokoroa Hospitals
- Free parking located at each hospital
- Please arrive early to your appointment to allow for time to park
Ministry of Health Diabetes Publications (Living well with diabetes, Quality Standards for Diabetes Care etc.)
- NZ Society for the study of diabetes (NZSSD)
- Aotearoa college of diabetes nurses
- Hauraki PHO diabetes resources
- Pinnacle PHO diabetes resources
- National Hauora Coalition (NHC) practices
- Clinical network children and young people with diabetes
- Diabetes NZ information for health professionals
- Ministry of Health Diabetes Publications (Living well with diabetes, Quality Standards for Diabetes Care etc.)
- Health coaching
- Diabetes and emotional health diabetes Australia handbook for health professionals
Blood Glucose Meters
(Caresens meters / Smartlog software)
Sue Laywood (Rep)
Mobile: 021 575 128
Phone: 07 377 336
Free Phone (customer care): 0800 458 267
Insulin & Injectable Diabetes Medication
Eli Lilly
(Humalog, Humalin NPH, Humalog MIX25 / MIX50, Dulaglutide/Trulicity)
Brian Swain
Mobile: 021 378 475
Phone: 09 523 9300
Free Phone (customer care): 0800 500 056
(Novorapid, Actrapid, Protaphane, Novomix30, Penmix30 & Saxenda)
Anastasia Andreianova (Rep)
Mobile: 021 575 128 (Diabetes Care Specialist) - 027 497 9791 (Obesity Product Specialist)
Phone: 09 916 5590
Free Phone (customer care): 0800 733 737
(Lantus, Apidra & Praluent)
Helen Payne (Rep - Hospital)
Mobile: 021 270 6030
Claire Smith (Rep Primary Care)
Mobile: 021 477 852
Free Phone (customer care): 0800 283 684
Freestyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring
(Freestyle Libre / Libre view software)
Fiona Cloete
Mobile: 021 349 991
Phone: 09 414 0318
Free Phone: 0800 MEDIRAY
Diabetes Mediray: 0800 106 100 option 1
Freestyle Libre (Tech Support): 0800 106 100 option 2
Continuous Glucose Monitoring & Tandem Insulin Pumps
(Guardian continuous glucose monitor and Medtronic Insulin Pump)
Chantal Summerton
Mobile: 021 315 525
Phone: 09 415 4800
Free Phone: 0800 333 444
Customer Care / Tech Support: 0800 633 487
(Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor and Tandem Insulin Pump)
Karyne Coker
Mobile: 021 627 644
Phone: 09 529 4062
Free Phone: 0508 634 226
Customer Care / Tech Support: 0508 635 103
Hauraki PHO
Suzanne Moorhouse (Diabetes Nurse)
Phone: 027 608 6978
Email: suzanne.moorhouse@haurakipho.org.nz
National Hauora Coalition
Elizabeth Johnson (Diabetes Specialist Nurse)
Phone: 027 327 4996
Email: elizabethj@nhc.maori.nz
Pinnacle PHO
Kathy Knight (Specialist Diabetes Clinician)
Phone: 027 642 5846
Email: kathy.knight@pinnacle.health.nz
Waikato Regional Diabetes Service
We receive referrals from;
- Primary health care (GP’s/NPs/CNS)
- Secondary specialist services
- Diabetes services from outside the Waikato region
- Waikato DHB Hospital Wards
Referrals are for people over the age of 15. All referrals for paediatric diabetes (people under the age of 15) go via the Waikato Hospital Referral Coordination Centre.
07 859 9180
Free phone
0800 459 9180
Postal address
Waikato Regional Diabetes Service
26 Clarence Street
Hamilton Central
Hamilton 3204
Outpatient referrals:
- E-referrals via BPAC (preferred)
- We no longer receive referrals via fax
Inpatient referrals: See the Waikato DHB Diabetes intranet page